Thursday 23 October 2014

Where should you go for advice on your nappies?

I'm the first to admit using cloth nappies can be overwhelming at first. So many options, so many brands, so many different ways and opinions on doing things.

I started out like every other parent with cloth nappies. I knew nothing. I wasn't even convinced I wanted to use them (or that I would use the ones I bought). But I was interested in the benefits and I started on what has become a very long journey into the world of cloth nappies.

So now, knowing what I know, and seeing what I've seen, I feel I can try and help parents make the right decisions with nappies.

But, what I see all too often is parents asking other well meaning parents for advice, and then receiving the absolute wrong information.

My best piece of advice to you is, if you want to know something about a particular nappy, ask the maker. There are often different versions of nappies, so when you ask a question, some well meaning parent may be telling you about something that no longer even exists. Other parents make statements that are incorrect (not on purpose, just they don't know the product like the maker does).

What am I getting at? If you want the right information, just ask. Any cloth nappy business is going to be happy to help you. Do not feel like you are bothering them. I love hearing from customers and helping them through the fog to find a solution.

In my own experience I have seen parents be told our nappies are made with materials they simply are not made with, the wrong sizing details, the wrong washing instructions, mixing up information between the different styles. I have seen the same with other brands.

So if you ever want to know something, whether you are an existing customer or a future customer, or never become a customs, I'd love to help. Just ask me.

And if you want to peruse a website for lots of cloth information and help, check out cloth nappies central - it's been written just for you!

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