Thursday 2 October 2014

The expo wrap!

So I've just finished 3 full days in Sydney talking to parents. Lot and lots of parents.

This time last year, we did our very first expo. Seeing the change in 12 months has been extraordinary. While it was great to see parents know who we are, it was even better to be meeting so many parents who knew what modern cloth nappies were.

So what feedback did I take home from the show?

1. A few parents asked me about how to use the inserts in the Baby Bare nappy. The nappy was designed to have a pocket for more options. I recommend laying in the second booster and securing under your snap in. This is easier than separately stuffing the pocket.

2. Lots of parents were very confused about choosing a nappy. My advice is always to narrow down your options by choosing a style first. Whether you want Baby Bare or any other brand, the decision is so much easier once you know what you want. Consider your budget (all in two can be more economical if you reuse covers), your lifestyle (do you want the absolute easiest option, being all in one?) and the style that you find yourself more drawn to. Once you narrow this down the decision is so much easier. You can block out so many other options and focus!

3. Preparing nappies. Lots of parents asked how to make them ready for use. Firstly, wait until you are ready to use them. Then soak in a warm tub/bucket over night. Then wash. This is easy and very effective. Expect your cloth nappies to get more absorbent as you go.

4. The biggest question - why are Baby Bare cheaper than the other brands? Simply, because it is our whole reason for being. If we are not fulfilling that aim, I feel we do not have our place in the market We know what it is like to struggle to afford good nappies, and to build a good 'stash'. So we work hard to supply you a great nappy at a fabulous price. Try them, you will see we don't spare any expense in making them, we just spare your expense!

I loved chatting to so many mums and dads. Seeing the excitement of picking from our fluffy wall of cloth and the number of parents choosing cloth nappies. I hope this is a sign of a change and a new tide in the nappy world. So congratulations to everyone who has chosen cloth for their child. You are making informed choices and thinking about how to minimise your impact on our fragile planet. Stick with it, because it is a very fun and rewarding journey!


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