Wednesday 30 January 2013

Giving up cloth nappies – time to toilet train

It seems my 26 month old daughter cannot bring herself to part with her nappies. Perhaps it is the inevitable fact she will be giving up her career in nappy modelling.

I have tried for months to get her to even contemplate sitting on her potty. Clothed or unclothed we have had no success.

One time I left her pants-less, trying my best to catch her in the act. Sure as eggs, the minute I left the room she went. On my return I found a big pile of number 2's and my dear daughter sitting next to it hugging the potty, which she had picked up and placed in her lap.

Was she confused? Was she sending me a message to tell me to just forget it? Does she have an incredible sense of humour and knew how hilarious this scene would appear?

No matter what was going on, I was not getting her to sit on that potty.

So now we have a new baby and I'm feeling a greater need then ever to toilet train dear daughter. Her nappies smell awful, are messy, and I think she is surely big enough to graduate to underpants. I've bought undies with all her favourite characters on them to no avail.

Last week I decided to find her kryptonite. The one thing I knew would bring her down in her plight to refuse the potty. Chocolate.

"Charlotte, if you sit on the potty for mummy, you can have some chocolate." Instant success! She couldn't sit on the potty quick enough. Hurrah!

Unfortunately, we managed to get nothing in the potty but we were on our way, finally sitting on it with no pants on.

Charlotte managed to con me out of 3 pieces of chocolate (across about 10 promises of pooping on the potty). I felt conned. She was better at this then I was giving her credit for. She even got all anxious like she was about to go, would sit down, ask for the chocolate, then get up and walk away.

The next morning she starting getting anxious. "Potty mummy." Hurrah! My little plan had worked. The kid was a genius and after a night sleeping on it she wanted to use the potty. I whipped off the nappy, she sat down, looked up at me and said "Chocolate?".

Ever since, whenever we talk about the potty all she has to say is "chocolate?". Here's hoping we make progress soon.

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