Tuesday 5 March 2013

What's so great about bamboo nappies?

When I was first introduced to cloth nappies, my friend told me they now used bamboo. I was taken aback, What was a bamboo nappy? I had images of babies sitting in a nappy made of bamboo twiggs. It looked terribly uncomfortable. I was quickly informed that bamboo was a newish type of fabric now being used to make cloth nappies.

So why is it that cloth nappies are being made from bamboo fabrics?

Bamboo is great for a number of reasons. In very simple terms:

1. Environmentally, bamboo is a renewable resource. It is fast growing and requires little resources to grow. For this reason it is more friendly to our planet then cotton which requires more water, space and other resources to grow.

2. Bamboo has natural antibacterial properties. This is great for nappies where there are lots of germs that can cause your nappies to smell. These properties will help repel germs and keep your nappies smelling squeaky clean.

3. It is super absorbent.  Bamboo absorbs a lot more liquid then cotton. That is the same weight of bamboo fabric will hold onto a lot more wee then cotton.

4. Babies skin loves it. A lot of babies with sensitive skin find bamboo is a fresh relief from other fabrics. Babies who have had terrible rashes often find they clear up when using bamboo nappies.

5. Its super soft. Bamboo fabrics stay soft and feel great.

So when shopping around for your cloth nappies think of the benefits when comparing a nappy with bamboo rather then microfibre or cotton. Bamboo may offer just that it more, even if slightly more expensive.

Baby Bare has used bamboo as the main absorbent material in our nappies. We still strive to have great quality nappies nappies more affordable then others offering nappies with cotton or microfibre absorbency.

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