Sunday 18 January 2015

Best washing care for your modern cloth nappies: Our top tips

We get a lot of questions about washing modern cloth nappies. We also see the sad results of nappies that are not properly cared for. So here are a few pointers for you.

Use a full dose of detergent. You are washing human waste out of your nappies. You need to use enough detergent to get the waste out of the nappies. Detergent breaks down fatty deposits and oils that are in your nappies. These particles if not cleaned will leave you with lingering smells. A full dose of detergent will help keep your nappies in the next shape.

No Quick Wash
The quick wash on your machine is designed for lightly soiled articles. Your nappies are generally not lightly soiled. They need a thorough wash. I have seen many times the result of nappies that are not washed properly. They go grey, the elastics rot and within months they are useless. This is because they are not properly being cleaned and the residues are eating away at the nappies. Ensure you do a proper wash.

Dry thoroughly
Some nappies get a musty smell. We have found this is often in nappies that are not thoroughly dried before being stored for next use. A good airing and drying in the sun helps keep your nappies fresh and clean.

If you get smells
If your cloth nappies get smells I recommend trying the following:
1. Change Detergents
2. Use more detergent (assuming you are using less then a full dose).
3. Do a warm 40-60 degree wash on the nappies. Sometimes a good wash in warm water can bring your nappies up smelling fantastic.

These simple few steps should help bring your nappies back up smelling fresh and clean.

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