Monday 15 April 2013

Giving up cloth nappies for good – Toilet training time

It's a last attempt to get miss 29 months trained before winter. I decided we needed to ramp things up a bit. I told Charlotte a fairy would come and swap her nappies for undies. We talked about what sort of undies she might like the fairy to bring. Hootabelle was the big request (luckily the ABC store had them in stock finally!).

So when Charlotte woke on day #1 she found a box full of new underpants, and her gorgeous nappies gone!

She was extremely excited. We put the undies on immediately.

On attempt one she wee'd all over Hootabelle (on her undies), she was devastated. She didn't want to take them off, but we assured her there were more undies to choose from. So we tried again.

Attempt two we managed to get a teaspoon of wee in the potty (and a bucket load on the floor). Gold! We made a huge fuss, she got her chocolate and a sticker. She thought she was super clever.

It wasn't until the evening of Day 2 that we had success. I sat her on the potty for a few minutes while I started cooking dinner. Next thing we heard a big scream. We came running and what should we find but a full potty. We were elated. Lots of high fives, clapping, smiles, and cuddles followed. Charlotte was a super star. She earned about 10 stickers on her chart, some chocolates, and many happy dances and cheers from mum and dad.

We were surprised how quickly she adapted to her potty. We know we have been very lucky with her success. We still face obstacles like using the proper toilet, using public toilets, and weaning off night nappies.

So for now our little Baby Bare model is moving her way into undies, her little sister is primed to take her place.

Training up the new Baby Bare model

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