Monday, 24 March 2014

Best modern cloth nappy for your heavy wetter

Do you have a heavy wetting baby? Do you need a super absorbent modern cloth nappy solution?

Our nappies are designed to be very absorbent. They should get you 3+ hours through the day time before needing to be changed.

If you find your child is leaking out of the normal cloth nappy (without additional boosting to what is provided on purchase of a single nappy) you may need to consider your boosting options.

My first question however is always - Is the Nappy full? The nappy should feel heavy and the inserts be visibly wet. If this isn't the case you need to address reasons why the nappy is not absorbing all the wetness before leaking. We have not dealt with that in this post.


First Recommendation:
We have two boosting options at Baby Bare. Our trifold booster, and our invisible booster. Both are heavy weight bamboo fleece and are quite similar in absorbency. My favourite option is the invisible booster. It is trim, and it allows you to custom more absorbency where you need it most. This booster is 50cm long, so it can be folded in a way to put more padding in the front to absorb more liquid.

Baby Bare invisible booster

If you know your child is heavy wetter, I also recommend PUL covers. PUL is less likely to wick on a soaked nappy. Minky works really well at this too, but PUL is just that bit more effective which is important if you have a big wetter on your hands. Our Silky Bare range is the perfect solution for super heavy wetters. With PUL outer, 2 full bamboo inserts included and a pocket for extra boosting, they offer plenty of absorbency.

Second Recommendation:
Try a Trifold booster. You could try this in addition to an invisible if your child is out wetting everything you try. To use both you would really need to be using our All in two cloth nappies, as this allows boosting in the pocket. Access to the lining of the nappy allows more boosting as there is more space to utilise.

You can use our Baby Bare boosters in any nappies. They are a great way to boost the absorbency of any nappy. The invisible booster fits really well in any nappy, even and all in one. The trifold gives great absorbency in pocket nappies - for a great result, team one of our bamboo boosters with microfibre inserts (which work best in combination with bamboo).

Cloth Nappy Help?

About 12 months ago I set about writing a full website dedicated to helping Aussie parents find the information they need about cloth nappies.

Whether it is the right nappy choice, washing instruction, dealing with smells, understanding how nappies work - we had it covered.

Modern Cloth Nappies Central is the Aussie site for everything cloth nappies. This site is broken up into two parts.

The Cloth Nappies Help deals with those totally new to cloth nappies and helps guide you through the decisions involved in choosing a nappy.

The second section deals with those already using nappies. It covers washing, troubleshooting and answers all those confusing questions.

Head over to our page, share it with your friends and get the information from a trustworthy source. I have spent hours testing the info on the site and researching from nappy brands worldwide. Afterall, it is the brands who have years of experience, professional testing and mountains of customer feedback to work from!

Introducing Silly Bare silicone teething jewellery!

Have you seen our new business, Silly Bare Jewellery?

We have designed a new range of jewellery, aimed at mothers and carers with young babies. Our jewellery is made from food grade silicone. It is designed to be worn by mum and chewed on by Baby.

As a mum, I have had too many pieces destroyed by little teeth marks. This left me with no jewellery options. When I found silicone jewellery, I was relived I could finally wear some funky pieces, while allowing our youngest baby to safely chew and play with them.

We have a full range of necklaces, pendants and bangles. We will have these on display at the Baby & Toddler Show in Melbourne along with our nappy range.

You can find out more about this new range, its benefits and all our jewellery here.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Choosing the right cloth nappy

Have you been looking for the right cloth nappy? Have you searched dozens of websites and still cannot work out what to do? Would you like a pack that is affordable, shows off different options, different fabrics and will be a valuable edition to your stash?

I recommend our Baby Bare Trial Pack.

This cloth nappy pack ticks so many boxes.

At only $36, you are paying only $18 a nappy, with a free booster. A total saving of $13.

Variety of Style
You can trial both an all in one style (AIO) and an all in two style (AI2). You can also get a feel for stuffing pockets by boosting our all in two style.

Variety of Materials
You get to trial materials. The AI2 is fully bamboo. The AIO combines microfibre and bamboo. You can also choose to get your AI2 as a Silky Bare and trial both minky and bamboo cover fabrics.

You also receive a trifold booster so you can customise the absorbency in the nappies.

You can pick from over 25 different colours and patterns. You choose what you'd you would like from our range. Minky, PUL, patterns or plain!

Our nappies are one size fits most. So you can use the nappies from soon after birth until toilet training. Experiment with adjusting rise snaps to fit your child through their first few years.