If you are anything like me, the thought of flat nappies seems like a lot of work. Something Modern Cloth Nappies has made redundant.
Well, I've been on a bit of a journey into the world of flat nappies, and I'm really enjoying it.
As far as I know, Baby Bare is the only Australian brand of Birds Eye Flats to date! These hit our shelves about a week ago and many parents have been adding a couple to their orders. Our gorgeous flats are made from top quality cotton and are super absorbent. But best of all they are trim.
I am enjoying wrapping our 24 month old in a kite folded flat, securing with a snappi and she is running free around the house. She is comfortable, her bottom is airing through the light fabric and the nappy sits like a little pair of shorts.
I read up on a few folds and I have found the kite is the best fit on Emma. It also gives us a folded pad in the front for the best absorbency. we also end up with the sides being the right length to clip up and not too much fabric hanging around in the front.
I wish I had these with a newborn as I think they are a great solution. Many smaller newborns can take a couple of weeks to get a nice fit on their MCN. These flats can be folded down to give a lovely fit on a small baby. You can use your Baby Bare AI2/Snap in Cover over the top.
So what is a Birds Eye Flat?
A birds Eye Flat is a woven cotton fabric. Its named Birds Eye due to the weave. It forms dimpled oval shapes through the fabric. They are thicker then the muslin cloths you would wrap a young baby in, but similar in feel (though softer) and make up.
Why use them over MCN?
I use my flats in rotation with the modern cloth nappies. Mainly in the afternoon after a nap when its the hottest part of the day I put our girl in a flat. If we go out, naps etc, I use my modern cloth nappies. They are easier to do up when out and about, they are quicker to change (slightly) and if I'm going to use a cover, I'd rather just use our MCN.
But the benefits of the trimness, breathability, ease of drying and care, absorbency and also the cute factor of a baby in a traditional nappy are all motivations for flats. They are also a very cheap nappy. At $3 a piece, they make each change cheaper then an MCN. They also dry very fast meaning you do not need to allow too many extra for drying time. They make a great supplement to a stash as they can be folded up to go in pockets, used under existing covers or used with a snappi or pin on their own.
Exploring the ins and outs of cloth nappies, how to use them, Baby Bare products and my experiences as a cloth nappy using mum!
Monday, 8 December 2014
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Don't Buy Second Hand Nappies until you read this!
Second hand nappies can be great. There are lots of great mums out there happily swapping, selling and buying in the second hand cloth nappy market. But it's not always great experiences. The points listed below are put down to help parents be better informed (not to dissuade anyone from buying second hand, just to help parents make good worth while decisions).
Let me go through some of the things I see and I know have been experienced. I hope this information will help you survive the second hand trade and get the best value for your money.
1. Know the product you are buying.
Are all the right pieces with the nappy?
This is so important. I constantly see parents with nappies and they cannot make sense of them. I have discovered, often the wrong pieces are sold with a nappy. Basically, a seller takes a cover and adds random boosters or inserts to it. Suddenly the nappy does not work as well, or the inserts don't fit properly.
I have seen our ruffle cubs sold with one rectangle booster insert and the combination called a nappy. It is not, and it will not work very well. Sadly, from my perspective, this then reflects badly on our brand as the unknowing parent believes they have 'tried' our products. This goes for any brands. A nappy is a combination of the cover design and the absorbency.
I have also seen our nappies sold as the nappy, and the second booster (which comes with the nappy standard), pulled out and sold like its an extra piece. So the listing would read for example '5 Baby Bare nappies PLUS 5 extra boosters'. You get the idea with where I am going - Make sure you know what you are buying!
My Advice: Before you buy something, make sure you know what you should be getting. If a nappy (for example our AI2) comes with two inserts, do not settle for the seller keeping one for them self and just selling you the snap in. Nappies are designed to work based on how they are sold.
Which version of a nappy are you getting? Is it a second or faulty?
Identify the product. I have seen people selling nappies we sold as seconds for more then they ever retailed in our store. Likewise I have seen nappies described as newer then they could possibly be, or a wrong version of the nappy. This is really sad, but it happens. Whether its on purpose or not, you are still paying for something that is not accurately described or for more then it was ever worth.
My advice: Ask the seller if they are seconds or have any faults. Do not assume because its being sold second hand that its cheaper.
2. Get Photos
Elastics? Stains? Pilling? Smells? Many of these factors you cannot see in photos (or they can be hidden). But you can get a good idea about the condition. Make sure you see pictures of a nappy inside and out. Unfortunately smells are very difficult to photograph, so you may not know about these until they arrive. I have heard of, and been told about plenty of nappies that have gone straight from the post to the bin because of the putrid condition they arrive in.
My advice: Ask for photos and ask specific questions about marks, stains, smells etc. This may give you a come back if you need to make a PayPal claim. Do not assume every one treats their nappies with the same love you do.
3. Check the price - are you getting a bargain?
Can you get it on sale cheaper? Or for just slightly more?
The RRP on a product may be $25. But if you can get that item on sale for less, you should factor that into the second hand price. We are currently running a sale with our nappies at $16. During this sale I saw a mum be sold 5 of our nappies for more then the current sale price.
Will the cost of postage outweigh the savings?
Many business subsidise postage. We certainly do. We charge a flat rate $5 on post. Sometimes when you pay the full postage rate (say $13 on 3 nappies for a 3 kg satchel, thats $8 more), you are getting much closer to the price of brand new nappies. Keep this in mind, especially if you are buying from multiple sellers. Think if you buy from 2 sellers that postage is double. You may be able to find several brands in a retail shop and pay a lot less post. For example Apikali sells a range of brands and postage is only $5!
4. Consider what you lose buying second hand and factor it into the price
I am often asked what someone should expect to pay for one of our nappies second hand. My advice is, a nappy is worth to you what you feel the drop in value has been considering the following:
Let me go through some of the things I see and I know have been experienced. I hope this information will help you survive the second hand trade and get the best value for your money.
1. Know the product you are buying.
Are all the right pieces with the nappy?
This is so important. I constantly see parents with nappies and they cannot make sense of them. I have discovered, often the wrong pieces are sold with a nappy. Basically, a seller takes a cover and adds random boosters or inserts to it. Suddenly the nappy does not work as well, or the inserts don't fit properly.
I have seen our ruffle cubs sold with one rectangle booster insert and the combination called a nappy. It is not, and it will not work very well. Sadly, from my perspective, this then reflects badly on our brand as the unknowing parent believes they have 'tried' our products. This goes for any brands. A nappy is a combination of the cover design and the absorbency.
I have also seen our nappies sold as the nappy, and the second booster (which comes with the nappy standard), pulled out and sold like its an extra piece. So the listing would read for example '5 Baby Bare nappies PLUS 5 extra boosters'. You get the idea with where I am going - Make sure you know what you are buying!
My Advice: Before you buy something, make sure you know what you should be getting. If a nappy (for example our AI2) comes with two inserts, do not settle for the seller keeping one for them self and just selling you the snap in. Nappies are designed to work based on how they are sold.
Which version of a nappy are you getting? Is it a second or faulty?
Identify the product. I have seen people selling nappies we sold as seconds for more then they ever retailed in our store. Likewise I have seen nappies described as newer then they could possibly be, or a wrong version of the nappy. This is really sad, but it happens. Whether its on purpose or not, you are still paying for something that is not accurately described or for more then it was ever worth.
My advice: Ask the seller if they are seconds or have any faults. Do not assume because its being sold second hand that its cheaper.
2. Get Photos
Elastics? Stains? Pilling? Smells? Many of these factors you cannot see in photos (or they can be hidden). But you can get a good idea about the condition. Make sure you see pictures of a nappy inside and out. Unfortunately smells are very difficult to photograph, so you may not know about these until they arrive. I have heard of, and been told about plenty of nappies that have gone straight from the post to the bin because of the putrid condition they arrive in.
My advice: Ask for photos and ask specific questions about marks, stains, smells etc. This may give you a come back if you need to make a PayPal claim. Do not assume every one treats their nappies with the same love you do.
3. Check the price - are you getting a bargain?
Can you get it on sale cheaper? Or for just slightly more?
The RRP on a product may be $25. But if you can get that item on sale for less, you should factor that into the second hand price. We are currently running a sale with our nappies at $16. During this sale I saw a mum be sold 5 of our nappies for more then the current sale price.
Will the cost of postage outweigh the savings?
Many business subsidise postage. We certainly do. We charge a flat rate $5 on post. Sometimes when you pay the full postage rate (say $13 on 3 nappies for a 3 kg satchel, thats $8 more), you are getting much closer to the price of brand new nappies. Keep this in mind, especially if you are buying from multiple sellers. Think if you buy from 2 sellers that postage is double. You may be able to find several brands in a retail shop and pay a lot less post. For example Apikali sells a range of brands and postage is only $5!
4. Consider what you lose buying second hand and factor it into the price
I am often asked what someone should expect to pay for one of our nappies second hand. My advice is, a nappy is worth to you what you feel the drop in value has been considering the following:
- You have no warranty. So even on a brand new nappy, excellent condition nappy, nappy that was worn once or twice - there is no warranty. If a snap falls off, if stitching comes undone, you have no warranty.
- You do not know the history of the nappy (whats it been washed in, was it bleached to make it look cleaner for selling. What stains, smells etc does it have)
- The nappies won't last forever. Some of the use is already gone. Like a car, they have a life of so many km's - so consider part of that life and use has already occurred.
- It is a used item. As such, it is immediately worth less.
So if you are saving just a few dollars a nappy, then adding in postage, then adding in the risk associated with the fact it may not arrive as described - what is the real value? Determine what you think the real value is and stick to it.
5. Pay with PayPal
Do not pay direct deposit unless you know the person. This bit is in bold. Once you put money into someones bank account its gone. Think of the extra small amount of money you may pay to cover PayPal fees as insurance. Getting a PayPal account is extremely easy. If someone says they don't have one, well find someone else to buy from.
PayPal will help you if your item does not arrive, if its not as described (hence why you need to ask all the questions before you buy it about condition etc) and they will give you your money back if you can show it is not as described.
We all like to think other mum's are like us - fair, generous, honest. The sad truth is, they are not. I have seen numerous scammers, I've been scammed myself. It hurts - financially and emotionally. It is not limited to business because I've seen even the most savvy, cloth nappy connoisseurs admit to having been had by a seller. So please, protect yourself and your money. I am so sad when I see mum's tricked into buying nappies (or anything) that is unuseable, dirty or not as you thought.
So there you have it. In a nutshell:
- Be Informed.
- Determine a fair value based on RRP, condition of the product, no warranty & post costs.
- Pay with PayPal
Enjoy Shopping with these little thoughts under your belt,
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
CJ's BUTTer is now available at Baby Bare
We have just added the fabulous CJ's BUTTer products to our site!
CJ's BUTTer is the perfect cream for your cloth nappies as it is safe to use, unlike many other creams that can adversely affect your nappies.
CJ's BUTTer is all natural (except some scents are from synthetic ingredients). It comes in tubs, a stick and a spray. The stick and spray make nappy changes very easy as you can use it without putting your hands in the product.
We are offering the full range of CJ's and it can be combined with your Baby Bare purchases to save on shipping. So grab some sample pots to try it out with your next nappy buy.
CJ's BUTTer is the perfect cream for your cloth nappies as it is safe to use, unlike many other creams that can adversely affect your nappies.
CJ's BUTTer is all natural (except some scents are from synthetic ingredients). It comes in tubs, a stick and a spray. The stick and spray make nappy changes very easy as you can use it without putting your hands in the product.
We are offering the full range of CJ's and it can be combined with your Baby Bare purchases to save on shipping. So grab some sample pots to try it out with your next nappy buy.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Cloth Nappies and Nappy Bags
We get asked a lot about the best nappy bags for your cloth nappies.
Most nappy bags can cater for cloth nappies. But I have found some pretty stylish Leather Nappy Bags from Boowiggie.
Now, we all know I started Baby Bare to offer parents the best value in cloth nappies. Well, the bags from Boowiggie are also what I consider to be the best value in leather nappy bags (and I am a big lover of good value!).
These genuine leather bags retail from $169.95, right up to $249.95 for the most premium, the Arizona in Saffiano Leather. They are amazing value for the quality and design of the product.
I asked the owner, Caroline about using the bags with my cloth nappies. She told me that her range of bags can easily fit cloth nappies (and she has the pictures to prove it!). There is plenty of room for a few nappies, your CJ's BUTTer, a bottle (in the insulated pocket), phone, comforter and wallet with space to spare. They even come with a waterproof change mat!
These bags are a great size with lots of pockets for all your bits and pieces.
Did I also mention how stylish they look on the outside?
These gorgeous bags come in a range of sizes and colours (red, blue, beige, latte and more!), so you can choose something that suits your taste and needs.
I'm personally very in love with the new Arizona.
Most nappy bags can cater for cloth nappies. But I have found some pretty stylish Leather Nappy Bags from Boowiggie.
Now, we all know I started Baby Bare to offer parents the best value in cloth nappies. Well, the bags from Boowiggie are also what I consider to be the best value in leather nappy bags (and I am a big lover of good value!).
These genuine leather bags retail from $169.95, right up to $249.95 for the most premium, the Arizona in Saffiano Leather. They are amazing value for the quality and design of the product.
I asked the owner, Caroline about using the bags with my cloth nappies. She told me that her range of bags can easily fit cloth nappies (and she has the pictures to prove it!). There is plenty of room for a few nappies, your CJ's BUTTer, a bottle (in the insulated pocket), phone, comforter and wallet with space to spare. They even come with a waterproof change mat!
These bags are a great size with lots of pockets for all your bits and pieces.
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Ella Duo with 4 Baby Bare Nappies |
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Lily Bag with two Baby Bare nappies |
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Arizona with 3 Baby Bare Nappies. This is the most premium bag. Beautiful Saffiano Leather and a gorgeous lining fabric. |
Did I also mention how stylish they look on the outside?
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Arizona Leather Nappy Bag - Looks just like a hand bag! |
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Lily Leather Nappy Bag - comes in a range of colours. |
These gorgeous bags come in a range of sizes and colours (red, blue, beige, latte and more!), so you can choose something that suits your taste and needs.
I'm personally very in love with the new Arizona.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Where should you go for advice on your nappies?
I'm the first to admit using cloth nappies can be overwhelming at first. So many options, so many brands, so many different ways and opinions on doing things.
I started out like every other parent with cloth nappies. I knew nothing. I wasn't even convinced I wanted to use them (or that I would use the ones I bought). But I was interested in the benefits and I started on what has become a very long journey into the world of cloth nappies.
So now, knowing what I know, and seeing what I've seen, I feel I can try and help parents make the right decisions with nappies.
But, what I see all too often is parents asking other well meaning parents for advice, and then receiving the absolute wrong information.
My best piece of advice to you is, if you want to know something about a particular nappy, ask the maker. There are often different versions of nappies, so when you ask a question, some well meaning parent may be telling you about something that no longer even exists. Other parents make statements that are incorrect (not on purpose, just they don't know the product like the maker does).
What am I getting at? If you want the right information, just ask. Any cloth nappy business is going to be happy to help you. Do not feel like you are bothering them. I love hearing from customers and helping them through the fog to find a solution.
In my own experience I have seen parents be told our nappies are made with materials they simply are not made with, the wrong sizing details, the wrong washing instructions, mixing up information between the different styles. I have seen the same with other brands.
So if you ever want to know something, whether you are an existing customer or a future customer, or never become a customs, I'd love to help. Just ask me.
And if you want to peruse a website for lots of cloth information and help, check out cloth nappies central - it's been written just for you!
I started out like every other parent with cloth nappies. I knew nothing. I wasn't even convinced I wanted to use them (or that I would use the ones I bought). But I was interested in the benefits and I started on what has become a very long journey into the world of cloth nappies.
So now, knowing what I know, and seeing what I've seen, I feel I can try and help parents make the right decisions with nappies.
But, what I see all too often is parents asking other well meaning parents for advice, and then receiving the absolute wrong information.
My best piece of advice to you is, if you want to know something about a particular nappy, ask the maker. There are often different versions of nappies, so when you ask a question, some well meaning parent may be telling you about something that no longer even exists. Other parents make statements that are incorrect (not on purpose, just they don't know the product like the maker does).
What am I getting at? If you want the right information, just ask. Any cloth nappy business is going to be happy to help you. Do not feel like you are bothering them. I love hearing from customers and helping them through the fog to find a solution.
In my own experience I have seen parents be told our nappies are made with materials they simply are not made with, the wrong sizing details, the wrong washing instructions, mixing up information between the different styles. I have seen the same with other brands.
So if you ever want to know something, whether you are an existing customer or a future customer, or never become a customs, I'd love to help. Just ask me.
And if you want to peruse a website for lots of cloth information and help, check out cloth nappies central - it's been written just for you!
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Choosing between the Baby Bare Nappies
I often get emails asking me how to choose between our different styles of cloth nappies. I am asked which is better, which is more popular and what the customer should choose.
The decision is really a personal one. It depends on the person.
My advice to parents, is always to consider how you want to use the nappies. This advice goes further than choosing from our range too. Most parents when they start out are so overwhelmed. My advice is always to stop and consider what style of nappy is appealing to them the most. Because it is then that they are best equipped to start their search.
When I give that advice I am usually met with a sigh of relief. The fog is clearing and suddenly it seems easier. Once you know the style you are after, you can sort through all the option easier and focus on the cloth nappies you want.
When looking at Baby Bare, you need to go through a few steps.
First Step: Do you like PUL or Minky Covers? This is the division between the Bare Cub or the Silky Bare. Whats even better is, if you feel no preference either way, you can grab both purely choosing on the colours or prints you like. This decision is purely cosmetic. One is not less breathable or cooler. It is simply if you like the smoother feel of the PUL, or the fluffier more fabric like feel of the minky.
Second Step: Consider your style. Do you like the idea of no assembly or do you want the flexibility and ability to change out the absorbency and use the shells for more then one change?
All in one is very easy. You pick up the nappy and its ready to go.
All in two requires some assembly (3 separate pieces), but its versatile and can work out to be more economical. Many parents buy 12 full nappies, and then add an extra 12 soaker sets. They then have 24 changes. They know the cover can be re-used, or washed and used again quickly due to the fast drying nature of the cover. Our all in two is also 100% bamboo.
If you ever need help or have further questions, just send us an email through the contact us link on our website. We are always more then happy to help (we actually love chatting to you!).
The decision is really a personal one. It depends on the person.
My advice to parents, is always to consider how you want to use the nappies. This advice goes further than choosing from our range too. Most parents when they start out are so overwhelmed. My advice is always to stop and consider what style of nappy is appealing to them the most. Because it is then that they are best equipped to start their search.
When I give that advice I am usually met with a sigh of relief. The fog is clearing and suddenly it seems easier. Once you know the style you are after, you can sort through all the option easier and focus on the cloth nappies you want.
When looking at Baby Bare, you need to go through a few steps.
First Step: Do you like PUL or Minky Covers? This is the division between the Bare Cub or the Silky Bare. Whats even better is, if you feel no preference either way, you can grab both purely choosing on the colours or prints you like. This decision is purely cosmetic. One is not less breathable or cooler. It is simply if you like the smoother feel of the PUL, or the fluffier more fabric like feel of the minky.
Second Step: Consider your style. Do you like the idea of no assembly or do you want the flexibility and ability to change out the absorbency and use the shells for more then one change?
All in one is very easy. You pick up the nappy and its ready to go.
The inside of the all in one cloth nappy. The rainbow section opens away from the nappy for faster drying time. |
All in two requires some assembly (3 separate pieces), but its versatile and can work out to be more economical. Many parents buy 12 full nappies, and then add an extra 12 soaker sets. They then have 24 changes. They know the cover can be re-used, or washed and used again quickly due to the fast drying nature of the cover. Our all in two is also 100% bamboo.
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All in two cloth nappy. There is the snap in insert (top piece) and the rectangle booster (laying underneath). |
If you ever need help or have further questions, just send us an email through the contact us link on our website. We are always more then happy to help (we actually love chatting to you!).
Friday, 17 October 2014
The Baby Bare Trial is Back!
Last year we ran a hire programme on our nappies. You could hire ten brand new nappies for one month and decide if you wanted them at the end. You could return them and only pay the hire fee, or keep them and pay out the remaining cost of the pack.
This programme was enormously successful. I'm so proud to say of all the packs we sent out, we had zero returned. That is a testament to how much people loved our nappies.
Unfortunately, due to the time invested in the programme (and me still working in a normal job) we had to bring it to a stop. I've since received lots of enquiries about running it again.
So I have great news. You can now hire the packs again. You choose the ten nappies and we will do the rest.
The nappies are absolutely brand new. So you don't have any worries putting them on your child. It is just like buying upfront, except you can take your time to pay it off and if they don't work for you, return them.
So, let your friends know about this amazing and unique programme. It is perfect if:
1. You want to try cloth for a month and see if it suits you before purchasing a full set of nappies.
2. You want to try Baby Bare Nappies before topping up your stash.
3. You want to buy 10 Baby Bare Nappies and be able to pay them off over a 4 week period.
Oh, and every pack comes with a sample of CJ's BUTTer, just to say thanks!
This programme was enormously successful. I'm so proud to say of all the packs we sent out, we had zero returned. That is a testament to how much people loved our nappies.
Unfortunately, due to the time invested in the programme (and me still working in a normal job) we had to bring it to a stop. I've since received lots of enquiries about running it again.
So I have great news. You can now hire the packs again. You choose the ten nappies and we will do the rest.
The nappies are absolutely brand new. So you don't have any worries putting them on your child. It is just like buying upfront, except you can take your time to pay it off and if they don't work for you, return them.
So, let your friends know about this amazing and unique programme. It is perfect if:
1. You want to try cloth for a month and see if it suits you before purchasing a full set of nappies.
2. You want to try Baby Bare Nappies before topping up your stash.
3. You want to buy 10 Baby Bare Nappies and be able to pay them off over a 4 week period.
Oh, and every pack comes with a sample of CJ's BUTTer, just to say thanks!
Thursday, 2 October 2014
The expo wrap!
So I've just finished 3 full days in Sydney talking to parents. Lot and lots of parents.
This time last year, we did our very first expo. Seeing the change in 12 months has been extraordinary. While it was great to see parents know who we are, it was even better to be meeting so many parents who knew what modern cloth nappies were.
So what feedback did I take home from the show?
1. A few parents asked me about how to use the inserts in the Baby Bare nappy. The nappy was designed to have a pocket for more options. I recommend laying in the second booster and securing under your snap in. This is easier than separately stuffing the pocket.
2. Lots of parents were very confused about choosing a nappy. My advice is always to narrow down your options by choosing a style first. Whether you want Baby Bare or any other brand, the decision is so much easier once you know what you want. Consider your budget (all in two can be more economical if you reuse covers), your lifestyle (do you want the absolute easiest option, being all in one?) and the style that you find yourself more drawn to. Once you narrow this down the decision is so much easier. You can block out so many other options and focus!
3. Preparing nappies. Lots of parents asked how to make them ready for use. Firstly, wait until you are ready to use them. Then soak in a warm tub/bucket over night. Then wash. This is easy and very effective. Expect your cloth nappies to get more absorbent as you go.
4. The biggest question - why are Baby Bare cheaper than the other brands? Simply, because it is our whole reason for being. If we are not fulfilling that aim, I feel we do not have our place in the market We know what it is like to struggle to afford good nappies, and to build a good 'stash'. So we work hard to supply you a great nappy at a fabulous price. Try them, you will see we don't spare any expense in making them, we just spare your expense!
I loved chatting to so many mums and dads. Seeing the excitement of picking from our fluffy wall of cloth and the number of parents choosing cloth nappies. I hope this is a sign of a change and a new tide in the nappy world. So congratulations to everyone who has chosen cloth for their child. You are making informed choices and thinking about how to minimise your impact on our fragile planet. Stick with it, because it is a very fun and rewarding journey!
This time last year, we did our very first expo. Seeing the change in 12 months has been extraordinary. While it was great to see parents know who we are, it was even better to be meeting so many parents who knew what modern cloth nappies were.
So what feedback did I take home from the show?
1. A few parents asked me about how to use the inserts in the Baby Bare nappy. The nappy was designed to have a pocket for more options. I recommend laying in the second booster and securing under your snap in. This is easier than separately stuffing the pocket.
2. Lots of parents were very confused about choosing a nappy. My advice is always to narrow down your options by choosing a style first. Whether you want Baby Bare or any other brand, the decision is so much easier once you know what you want. Consider your budget (all in two can be more economical if you reuse covers), your lifestyle (do you want the absolute easiest option, being all in one?) and the style that you find yourself more drawn to. Once you narrow this down the decision is so much easier. You can block out so many other options and focus!
3. Preparing nappies. Lots of parents asked how to make them ready for use. Firstly, wait until you are ready to use them. Then soak in a warm tub/bucket over night. Then wash. This is easy and very effective. Expect your cloth nappies to get more absorbent as you go.
4. The biggest question - why are Baby Bare cheaper than the other brands? Simply, because it is our whole reason for being. If we are not fulfilling that aim, I feel we do not have our place in the market We know what it is like to struggle to afford good nappies, and to build a good 'stash'. So we work hard to supply you a great nappy at a fabulous price. Try them, you will see we don't spare any expense in making them, we just spare your expense!
I loved chatting to so many mums and dads. Seeing the excitement of picking from our fluffy wall of cloth and the number of parents choosing cloth nappies. I hope this is a sign of a change and a new tide in the nappy world. So congratulations to everyone who has chosen cloth for their child. You are making informed choices and thinking about how to minimise your impact on our fragile planet. Stick with it, because it is a very fun and rewarding journey!
Monday, 22 September 2014
The work at home mum or something else?
W-A-H-M. This is a term I am often labelled with. But recently I've been told I'm not a WAHM, mainly because I don't sew my own goods. At first I was a little offended. Like my business and family were less worthy because I took a different path, a path that would allow me to reach and service more people. I didn't see myself as any different to a woman behind a sewing machine. We are both running a business.
This got me thinking to whether I really consider myself under this 'WAHM' term. What does it mean anyway?
Until recently I had a job as a salary and wage earner. My business was something I did on the side. It was my outlet for creativity and something I could build that was my own. When people asked me what I did I said I was an accountant. Whilst I often got the usual reaction that pointed to it being a bit boring, it was a 'real job'.
But I lost interest in my salary job, and i started to ask myself what I wanted to do. Baby Bare was getting busier, I was more focused on it and I decided I wanted to pursue it full time.
So I said good bye to my career in tax/accounting. I had studied and set up my whole life around that career. But my skills transferred over to my passion in my business, something I had lost in my job.
So now I work from our home. I run a business from my own corner of the house. Its not easy. I am every part of the business. From the Customer Service Department to packer, to stock controller and Chief Financial Officer. It's all just me. I work under a 'brand' but it doesn't mean we have a full team. It's a unique profession being a business owner. It can be very isolating (home alone), rewarding, stressful, challenging and also sometimes boring.
My hours are not always conventional, I often do emails at 10pm on a Saturday night, because simply its when I get the chance. Not unlike parents who do shift work to juggle their caring commitments. We work when we can.
But I question why when I describe my work, or others describe me does the fact I am a mother play a part? I'd rather say I'm a business owner. I run my own business (from my home). Outside of that I also have children. I don't see myself as more of a mother now I work in our house. I feel I am the same mother to my kids that I was when I worked in an office outside the home. My work is still often intense, stressful and busy. Our children play very little part in my work. After all, you can't get much done with them at your feet.
When I tell people what I do, they often think its a bit fluffy and lovely. I get to spend my days with my children while my business chugs along. The reality is that I work unconventional hours and my children still go to day care so that I can work two proper days each week.
So I've decided I no longer am going to label myself as a mum when it comes to my career and business. As the fact I am one seems irrelevant. When I describe myself I am going to say that I own and run my own little business, it seems more reflective or reality than the visions people get when I say I am a WAHM.
This got me thinking to whether I really consider myself under this 'WAHM' term. What does it mean anyway?
Until recently I had a job as a salary and wage earner. My business was something I did on the side. It was my outlet for creativity and something I could build that was my own. When people asked me what I did I said I was an accountant. Whilst I often got the usual reaction that pointed to it being a bit boring, it was a 'real job'.
But I lost interest in my salary job, and i started to ask myself what I wanted to do. Baby Bare was getting busier, I was more focused on it and I decided I wanted to pursue it full time.
So I said good bye to my career in tax/accounting. I had studied and set up my whole life around that career. But my skills transferred over to my passion in my business, something I had lost in my job.
So now I work from our home. I run a business from my own corner of the house. Its not easy. I am every part of the business. From the Customer Service Department to packer, to stock controller and Chief Financial Officer. It's all just me. I work under a 'brand' but it doesn't mean we have a full team. It's a unique profession being a business owner. It can be very isolating (home alone), rewarding, stressful, challenging and also sometimes boring.
My hours are not always conventional, I often do emails at 10pm on a Saturday night, because simply its when I get the chance. Not unlike parents who do shift work to juggle their caring commitments. We work when we can.
But I question why when I describe my work, or others describe me does the fact I am a mother play a part? I'd rather say I'm a business owner. I run my own business (from my home). Outside of that I also have children. I don't see myself as more of a mother now I work in our house. I feel I am the same mother to my kids that I was when I worked in an office outside the home. My work is still often intense, stressful and busy. Our children play very little part in my work. After all, you can't get much done with them at your feet.
When I tell people what I do, they often think its a bit fluffy and lovely. I get to spend my days with my children while my business chugs along. The reality is that I work unconventional hours and my children still go to day care so that I can work two proper days each week.
So I've decided I no longer am going to label myself as a mum when it comes to my career and business. As the fact I am one seems irrelevant. When I describe myself I am going to say that I own and run my own little business, it seems more reflective or reality than the visions people get when I say I am a WAHM.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
CJs BUTTer is here!
I have been a long time lover of a product called CJ's Butter. With two babies who have sensitive skin, having had eczema my whole life and an avid cloth nappy user, CJ's BUTTer was the perfect fit for our family.
We are so lucky here at Baby Bare to have gotten the privilege of distributing CJ's BUTTer for Australia & New Zealand. I am working really hard to make this product a part of every parents must have items. This is because its a product I believe in. It's reasonably affordable compared to other nappy creams and body butters, PLUS it is multi use. One tub for skin care and nappy cream.
I also love that CJ's has a full range of natural, beautiful and unique products. A gorgeous smelling cleaner for the house (think of mopping with a product that smells like vanilla cake!), a body wash that can be used to wash the body, hair or as a foamy wash on your cloth wipes, lip balm, water based moisturising cream and laundry products for your woollens. CJ's BUTTer is a one stop shop for your family.
When it comes to choosing your favourite butter products there are plenty of options. The most economical is the large size tub, the small convenient sample size is still great value and portable. The stick is great for nappy changes and goes on hands free. The spritz is a lovely way to lightly apply to the whole body.
So how do you choose a scent? It's hard just reading about them isnt it. So here is my guide as I see the CJ's scents.
If you like sweet smelling go for the Vanilla Cake. A bit more sweet and intense is the Blueberry Crumble. Sweet but subtle is Pink Sugar. If you like sweet with a hint of cherry and nuts go Pixie Pie.
If you love citrus try the Sweet Orange. If you like that tropical smell try Monkey Farts. A bit fresher and less sweet and 'banana' like is the mango, sugar and mint. A floral lover would have to go with Lavender and Teatree, and along the same lines is Narwhals and Unicorns - quite floral and herby with bergamot scents.
For the Blokes try the Green Irish Tweed which smells a lot like one of the colognes my husband wears. Its definitely masculine and strong.
If you like the typical baby lotion or more typical soapy smells try Lullaby Baby or Oatmeal, Milk & Honey.
The unscented is great for newborn babies who have really sensitive skin and this is the most natural and pure you can get. The PLUS formula is recommended for fungal rash as a natural alternative to some of the medicated creams.
But whatever you do, make sure you grab some CJ's BUTTer. You won't regret it.
We are so lucky here at Baby Bare to have gotten the privilege of distributing CJ's BUTTer for Australia & New Zealand. I am working really hard to make this product a part of every parents must have items. This is because its a product I believe in. It's reasonably affordable compared to other nappy creams and body butters, PLUS it is multi use. One tub for skin care and nappy cream.
I also love that CJ's has a full range of natural, beautiful and unique products. A gorgeous smelling cleaner for the house (think of mopping with a product that smells like vanilla cake!), a body wash that can be used to wash the body, hair or as a foamy wash on your cloth wipes, lip balm, water based moisturising cream and laundry products for your woollens. CJ's BUTTer is a one stop shop for your family.
When it comes to choosing your favourite butter products there are plenty of options. The most economical is the large size tub, the small convenient sample size is still great value and portable. The stick is great for nappy changes and goes on hands free. The spritz is a lovely way to lightly apply to the whole body.
So how do you choose a scent? It's hard just reading about them isnt it. So here is my guide as I see the CJ's scents.
If you like sweet smelling go for the Vanilla Cake. A bit more sweet and intense is the Blueberry Crumble. Sweet but subtle is Pink Sugar. If you like sweet with a hint of cherry and nuts go Pixie Pie.
If you love citrus try the Sweet Orange. If you like that tropical smell try Monkey Farts. A bit fresher and less sweet and 'banana' like is the mango, sugar and mint. A floral lover would have to go with Lavender and Teatree, and along the same lines is Narwhals and Unicorns - quite floral and herby with bergamot scents.
For the Blokes try the Green Irish Tweed which smells a lot like one of the colognes my husband wears. Its definitely masculine and strong.
If you like the typical baby lotion or more typical soapy smells try Lullaby Baby or Oatmeal, Milk & Honey.
The unscented is great for newborn babies who have really sensitive skin and this is the most natural and pure you can get. The PLUS formula is recommended for fungal rash as a natural alternative to some of the medicated creams.
But whatever you do, make sure you grab some CJ's BUTTer. You won't regret it.
Friday, 25 April 2014
Baby Bare Cloth Training Pants
Yesterday we released our cloth training pants! These gorgeous pants were an instant hit. You can check them out here.
I spent a lot of time evaluating what parents and kids want in training pants. I knew having gone through toilet training with our eldest, that kids want something that is attractive to them (so colourful and a cute image), but most importantly, it cannot look like a nappy.
Parents want a pair of pants that their child is willing to wear. They also want reliability, the cute factor and something that is transitioning their child to underpants.
Our Baby Bare training pants look like undies. The outside is made from stretchy cotton, just like undies. The outside is laminated to help reduce leakage. The pants are lined with french bamboo terry. In the crotch is a layer of microfibre. These pants can absorb small - medium accidents. If you need more absorbency, you may want to try putting in a booster to make the pants hold more.
Our training pants also help your child identify when they have wet. Disposable nappies and many cloth nappies are designed so your child doesn't feel wet. Feeling the wet sensation allows young children to better understand why they need to use the toilet.
Our training pants are very stretchy. The large size should take your child through to school age (kindy to first class). As these fit more snuggly on bigger kids, children with special needs or those who are still prone to the odd accident can wear these and feel more confident in themselves. No need for a nappy when they need the confidence to believe in themselves and avoid cruelty from other kids.
I spent a lot of time evaluating what parents and kids want in training pants. I knew having gone through toilet training with our eldest, that kids want something that is attractive to them (so colourful and a cute image), but most importantly, it cannot look like a nappy.
Parents want a pair of pants that their child is willing to wear. They also want reliability, the cute factor and something that is transitioning their child to underpants.
Our Baby Bare training pants look like undies. The outside is made from stretchy cotton, just like undies. The outside is laminated to help reduce leakage. The pants are lined with french bamboo terry. In the crotch is a layer of microfibre. These pants can absorb small - medium accidents. If you need more absorbency, you may want to try putting in a booster to make the pants hold more.
Our training pants also help your child identify when they have wet. Disposable nappies and many cloth nappies are designed so your child doesn't feel wet. Feeling the wet sensation allows young children to better understand why they need to use the toilet.
Our training pants are very stretchy. The large size should take your child through to school age (kindy to first class). As these fit more snuggly on bigger kids, children with special needs or those who are still prone to the odd accident can wear these and feel more confident in themselves. No need for a nappy when they need the confidence to believe in themselves and avoid cruelty from other kids.
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6 years and still fitting. |
Saturday, 12 April 2014
Cloth Nappies in Winter & Wet Weather
It's been raining all week in Sydney. Not only is this causing issues for building our new house, it is proving difficult to get our nappies dry.
Today we have launched our April promotion giving parents a spare soaker set with each nappy bought. This will give you the opportunity to reuse your covers with dry inserts while the first set dry. Effectively you are getting double the nappy changes for the same cost.
Cloth nappies need to be dried thoroughly to work effectively. There are many options for drying them out, you just need to find one that works for you.
1. Lay them on a clothes horse and take any opportunities for drying time outside. A clothes horse allows you to move nappies quickly, avoiding flash rain.
2. Use a fan. A low cost option is putting their nappies under or in front of a fan. The circulation of air will help dry them out if its wet outside. This option is good in Spring/Autumn where its too warm for heaters, but may be not warm enough outside to dry thoroughly.
3. As it cools down, take advantage of heaters. Bring nappies in and place them in front of heating vents. Even in the living room where its warmer can help your nappies dry out. Baking a roast dinner? Pop your clothes horse in the warm kitchen for an hour - the point being take advantage of what you have in your home to dry your nappies.
4. Finish them off in the dryer. If you have one, use the dryer after a day of drying. Take advantage of the days sunlight, wind and heating, then get the final dryness in the dryer.
Today we have launched our April promotion giving parents a spare soaker set with each nappy bought. This will give you the opportunity to reuse your covers with dry inserts while the first set dry. Effectively you are getting double the nappy changes for the same cost.
Cloth nappies need to be dried thoroughly to work effectively. There are many options for drying them out, you just need to find one that works for you.
1. Lay them on a clothes horse and take any opportunities for drying time outside. A clothes horse allows you to move nappies quickly, avoiding flash rain.
2. Use a fan. A low cost option is putting their nappies under or in front of a fan. The circulation of air will help dry them out if its wet outside. This option is good in Spring/Autumn where its too warm for heaters, but may be not warm enough outside to dry thoroughly.
3. As it cools down, take advantage of heaters. Bring nappies in and place them in front of heating vents. Even in the living room where its warmer can help your nappies dry out. Baking a roast dinner? Pop your clothes horse in the warm kitchen for an hour - the point being take advantage of what you have in your home to dry your nappies.
4. Finish them off in the dryer. If you have one, use the dryer after a day of drying. Take advantage of the days sunlight, wind and heating, then get the final dryness in the dryer.
Monday, 24 March 2014
Best modern cloth nappy for your heavy wetter
Do you have a heavy wetting baby? Do you need a super absorbent modern cloth nappy solution?
Our nappies are designed to be very absorbent. They should get you 3+ hours through the day time before needing to be changed.
If you find your child is leaking out of the normal cloth nappy (without additional boosting to what is provided on purchase of a single nappy) you may need to consider your boosting options.
My first question however is always - Is the Nappy full? The nappy should feel heavy and the inserts be visibly wet. If this isn't the case you need to address reasons why the nappy is not absorbing all the wetness before leaking. We have not dealt with that in this post.
First Recommendation:
We have two boosting options at Baby Bare. Our trifold booster, and our invisible booster. Both are heavy weight bamboo fleece and are quite similar in absorbency. My favourite option is the invisible booster. It is trim, and it allows you to custom more absorbency where you need it most. This booster is 50cm long, so it can be folded in a way to put more padding in the front to absorb more liquid.
If you know your child is heavy wetter, I also recommend PUL covers. PUL is less likely to wick on a soaked nappy. Minky works really well at this too, but PUL is just that bit more effective which is important if you have a big wetter on your hands. Our Silky Bare range is the perfect solution for super heavy wetters. With PUL outer, 2 full bamboo inserts included and a pocket for extra boosting, they offer plenty of absorbency.
Second Recommendation:
Try a Trifold booster. You could try this in addition to an invisible if your child is out wetting everything you try. To use both you would really need to be using our All in two cloth nappies, as this allows boosting in the pocket. Access to the lining of the nappy allows more boosting as there is more space to utilise.
You can use our Baby Bare boosters in any nappies. They are a great way to boost the absorbency of any nappy. The invisible booster fits really well in any nappy, even and all in one. The trifold gives great absorbency in pocket nappies - for a great result, team one of our bamboo boosters with microfibre inserts (which work best in combination with bamboo).
Our nappies are designed to be very absorbent. They should get you 3+ hours through the day time before needing to be changed.
If you find your child is leaking out of the normal cloth nappy (without additional boosting to what is provided on purchase of a single nappy) you may need to consider your boosting options.
My first question however is always - Is the Nappy full? The nappy should feel heavy and the inserts be visibly wet. If this isn't the case you need to address reasons why the nappy is not absorbing all the wetness before leaking. We have not dealt with that in this post.
First Recommendation:
We have two boosting options at Baby Bare. Our trifold booster, and our invisible booster. Both are heavy weight bamboo fleece and are quite similar in absorbency. My favourite option is the invisible booster. It is trim, and it allows you to custom more absorbency where you need it most. This booster is 50cm long, so it can be folded in a way to put more padding in the front to absorb more liquid.
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Baby Bare invisible booster |
If you know your child is heavy wetter, I also recommend PUL covers. PUL is less likely to wick on a soaked nappy. Minky works really well at this too, but PUL is just that bit more effective which is important if you have a big wetter on your hands. Our Silky Bare range is the perfect solution for super heavy wetters. With PUL outer, 2 full bamboo inserts included and a pocket for extra boosting, they offer plenty of absorbency.
Second Recommendation:
Try a Trifold booster. You could try this in addition to an invisible if your child is out wetting everything you try. To use both you would really need to be using our All in two cloth nappies, as this allows boosting in the pocket. Access to the lining of the nappy allows more boosting as there is more space to utilise.
You can use our Baby Bare boosters in any nappies. They are a great way to boost the absorbency of any nappy. The invisible booster fits really well in any nappy, even and all in one. The trifold gives great absorbency in pocket nappies - for a great result, team one of our bamboo boosters with microfibre inserts (which work best in combination with bamboo).
Cloth Nappy Help?
About 12 months ago I set about writing a full website dedicated to helping Aussie parents find the information they need about cloth nappies.
Whether it is the right nappy choice, washing instruction, dealing with smells, understanding how nappies work - we had it covered.
Modern Cloth Nappies Central is the Aussie site for everything cloth nappies. This site is broken up into two parts.
The Cloth Nappies Help deals with those totally new to cloth nappies and helps guide you through the decisions involved in choosing a nappy.
The second section deals with those already using nappies. It covers washing, troubleshooting and answers all those confusing questions.
Head over to our page, share it with your friends and get the information from a trustworthy source. I have spent hours testing the info on the site and researching from nappy brands worldwide. Afterall, it is the brands who have years of experience, professional testing and mountains of customer feedback to work from!
Whether it is the right nappy choice, washing instruction, dealing with smells, understanding how nappies work - we had it covered.
Modern Cloth Nappies Central is the Aussie site for everything cloth nappies. This site is broken up into two parts.
The Cloth Nappies Help deals with those totally new to cloth nappies and helps guide you through the decisions involved in choosing a nappy.
The second section deals with those already using nappies. It covers washing, troubleshooting and answers all those confusing questions.
Head over to our page, share it with your friends and get the information from a trustworthy source. I have spent hours testing the info on the site and researching from nappy brands worldwide. Afterall, it is the brands who have years of experience, professional testing and mountains of customer feedback to work from!
Introducing Silly Bare silicone teething jewellery!
Have you seen our new business, Silly Bare Jewellery?
We have designed a new range of jewellery, aimed at mothers and carers with young babies. Our jewellery is made from food grade silicone. It is designed to be worn by mum and chewed on by Baby.
As a mum, I have had too many pieces destroyed by little teeth marks. This left me with no jewellery options. When I found silicone jewellery, I was relived I could finally wear some funky pieces, while allowing our youngest baby to safely chew and play with them.
We have a full range of necklaces, pendants and bangles. We will have these on display at the Baby & Toddler Show in Melbourne along with our nappy range.
You can find out more about this new range, its benefits and all our jewellery here.
We have designed a new range of jewellery, aimed at mothers and carers with young babies. Our jewellery is made from food grade silicone. It is designed to be worn by mum and chewed on by Baby.
As a mum, I have had too many pieces destroyed by little teeth marks. This left me with no jewellery options. When I found silicone jewellery, I was relived I could finally wear some funky pieces, while allowing our youngest baby to safely chew and play with them.
We have a full range of necklaces, pendants and bangles. We will have these on display at the Baby & Toddler Show in Melbourne along with our nappy range.
You can find out more about this new range, its benefits and all our jewellery here.
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Choosing the right cloth nappy
Have you been looking for the right cloth nappy? Have you searched dozens of websites and still cannot work out what to do? Would you like a pack that is affordable, shows off different options, different fabrics and will be a valuable edition to your stash?
I recommend our Baby Bare Trial Pack.
This cloth nappy pack ticks so many boxes.
At only $36, you are paying only $18 a nappy, with a free booster. A total saving of $13.
Variety of Style
You can trial both an all in one style (AIO) and an all in two style (AI2). You can also get a feel for stuffing pockets by boosting our all in two style.
Variety of Materials
You get to trial materials. The AI2 is fully bamboo. The AIO combines microfibre and bamboo. You can also choose to get your AI2 as a Silky Bare and trial both minky and bamboo cover fabrics.
You also receive a trifold booster so you can customise the absorbency in the nappies.
You can pick from over 25 different colours and patterns. You choose what you'd you would like from our range. Minky, PUL, patterns or plain!
Our nappies are one size fits most. So you can use the nappies from soon after birth until toilet training. Experiment with adjusting rise snaps to fit your child through their first few years.
I recommend our Baby Bare Trial Pack.
This cloth nappy pack ticks so many boxes.
At only $36, you are paying only $18 a nappy, with a free booster. A total saving of $13.
Variety of Style
You can trial both an all in one style (AIO) and an all in two style (AI2). You can also get a feel for stuffing pockets by boosting our all in two style.
Variety of Materials
You get to trial materials. The AI2 is fully bamboo. The AIO combines microfibre and bamboo. You can also choose to get your AI2 as a Silky Bare and trial both minky and bamboo cover fabrics.
You also receive a trifold booster so you can customise the absorbency in the nappies.
You can pick from over 25 different colours and patterns. You choose what you'd you would like from our range. Minky, PUL, patterns or plain!
Our nappies are one size fits most. So you can use the nappies from soon after birth until toilet training. Experiment with adjusting rise snaps to fit your child through their first few years.
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Great Cloth Nappy Value - What do you get at Baby Bare
We are currently enjoying a great sale at Baby Bare - all our cloth nappies are only $16!
Our low prices have attracted a few questions about our product. For such a good price, what do you get?
Let me start by saying, I started Baby Bare with the aim of offering a low cost yet great quality nappy. It was before many other brands started to introduce their 'budget range'. These brands are doing this for the same reasons I started - because so many parents want more value for their money. I agree, and that's why Baby Bare is here!
But, while other brands offer you a 'cheaper' nappy, I don't believe the same value is on offer. I know Im biased, but I really want to review what Baby Bare can offer - this is part of my own considerations of where we fall in the market.
Our Products
Our nappies are made from the fluffiest minky fabrics. I have searched far and wide for good fabrics, its what makes them so fluffy and soft. We also offer cute patterns exclusive to Baby Bare. Our PUL fabrics have been tested to ensure they are 'silky' smooth and durable.
Our snap in nappy is 100% bamboo absorbency. I do not know any other AI2 design on the market that is as great value as ours! Most budget nappies only come in plain colours, with a small selection of choice plus they usually rely solely on microfibre or offer bamboo only for extra cost. We offer a range of patterns, colours and now 2 different styles!
Likewise, our wet bags, liners, boosters, change mats and wipes are all among the best value on the market. Our wet bags are double lined and two pockets - I don't know any other brand that double lines their bags! We do it because I know its necessary to contain moisture and smells.
Customer Service
We offer what I like to consider the best customer service. Easy to deal with, responsive, fast, friendly and we stand by our product. A 6 month warranty on all our products is something I am happy to offer, because I believe in ensuring parents get the most out of their nappies - I expect our nappies to last much longer than this, but if there are faults in the product, 6 months is plenty of time for them to show up.
Low Shipping Cost
One thing I hate about online shopping is the 'extra' shipping cost. Unfortunately it is unavoidable - shipping is a large cost for so many businesses. But I believe the business should absorb some of those costs for customers as a thank you for shopping with them. The more you buy, the better the value you are getting. And, definitely not making more money from shipping!
That is why our shipping is only $5. We absorb a little bit on smaller orders, and a lot on larger orders. This is a way of saying thank you for shopping with us, and lowering the costs once again.
I'm enjoying seeing our brand grow, and I think its because of the elements above that we are. My aim is to let more parents know we exist! I know so many out there don't know about us - we are trying to reach them and I appreciate the help of our customers. I get many customers on recommendation and I see lots on forums and facebook recommending us. If this is you, thank you! You are helping me achieve my ultimate aim - to make the costs of cloth nappying less, and to continue to offer our awesome Baby Bare cloth nappy range!
Friday, 24 January 2014
Fighting mould on modern cloth nappies
This week I decided it was time to really fight some mould growing on my cloth wipes. Part of this was driven by testing several recommended methods to see if they did anything.
Firstly I started with my two mouldy wipes. Both looked about the same.
The first wipe went into a solution of vinegar. It was pretty strong. About half vinegar and half water. It sat and I watched. For over 24 hours I watched as absolutely nothing happened. Now, I don't know if the vinegar killed my mouldy friends but left their stained existence behind (I am not a biologist and do not have the equipment to check the 'vital signs' of mould). What I do know is, my wipes still looked awful with bit black dots everywhere (it does look worse than the first picture due to being wet and really showing the extent of the mould).
So I decided to try a natural eco soaker and Napisan. I soaked each wipe for 24 hours. Once again - nothing happened. There didn't even appear to be any fading of the staining.
I decided I would wash them in between this and the next test to ensure that nothing had worked. Sure enough they emerged still stained.
Next I decided it was time for the big guns. I pulled out the bleach. I put probably 1/8 cup of bleach and 1 litre of water. I soaked... and I watched. Within a couple of minutes I could see changes.
And then 15 minutes later...
And another 20 minutes... Pretty much gone.
The second wipe I spot treated. So I poured the bleach directly onto the bamboo terry. It went brown, then clean.
I got a much thorough and even affect from soaking. I think it would also do less damage to the fabrics as its more dilute (however more widespread). Here are both wipes below. The cleaner one on the right is the one I soaked, the left was spot treated (only in one section).
In neither bleach treatment was my minky affected. So the colour lasted through the bleaching process. It didn't take long to treat, I ensured I ended the soaking as soon as I was happy with the affect, and I washed thoroughly and rinsed too.
I am led to believe that Milton will work as bleach does, because it is a mild bleach. You may want to try milton before your household bleach if you have some. It is still applying a bleach to your nappies, just a very mild form.
I am VERY hesitant to recommend using bleach - we all know it is a strong chemical. It will also void warranty on your nappies due to the effect it can have on the fabrics and components.
BUT, if I had mould stains all over my nappies I would deem them useless until I could get those marks off. So to me, even if it shortened the life of my nappies (and its difficult to determine by how long or how much), it is worth rescuing them from sure death and getting whatever use I can.
So... Remember:
Firstly I started with my two mouldy wipes. Both looked about the same.
The first wipe went into a solution of vinegar. It was pretty strong. About half vinegar and half water. It sat and I watched. For over 24 hours I watched as absolutely nothing happened. Now, I don't know if the vinegar killed my mouldy friends but left their stained existence behind (I am not a biologist and do not have the equipment to check the 'vital signs' of mould). What I do know is, my wipes still looked awful with bit black dots everywhere (it does look worse than the first picture due to being wet and really showing the extent of the mould).
So I decided to try a natural eco soaker and Napisan. I soaked each wipe for 24 hours. Once again - nothing happened. There didn't even appear to be any fading of the staining.
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Eco Soaker |
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Napisan |
I decided I would wash them in between this and the next test to ensure that nothing had worked. Sure enough they emerged still stained.
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Before bleaching, after previous attempts and a wash cycle |
Next I decided it was time for the big guns. I pulled out the bleach. I put probably 1/8 cup of bleach and 1 litre of water. I soaked... and I watched. Within a couple of minutes I could see changes.
And then 15 minutes later...
And another 20 minutes... Pretty much gone.
The second wipe I spot treated. So I poured the bleach directly onto the bamboo terry. It went brown, then clean.
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You can see the mould immediately went brown as the bleach hit it. |
I got a much thorough and even affect from soaking. I think it would also do less damage to the fabrics as its more dilute (however more widespread). Here are both wipes below. The cleaner one on the right is the one I soaked, the left was spot treated (only in one section).
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Both wipes after treatment (left spot treated just in the top right cnr, right was soaked) |
In neither bleach treatment was my minky affected. So the colour lasted through the bleaching process. It didn't take long to treat, I ensured I ended the soaking as soon as I was happy with the affect, and I washed thoroughly and rinsed too.
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Minky unaffected by bleaching |
I am led to believe that Milton will work as bleach does, because it is a mild bleach. You may want to try milton before your household bleach if you have some. It is still applying a bleach to your nappies, just a very mild form.
I am VERY hesitant to recommend using bleach - we all know it is a strong chemical. It will also void warranty on your nappies due to the effect it can have on the fabrics and components.
BUT, if I had mould stains all over my nappies I would deem them useless until I could get those marks off. So to me, even if it shortened the life of my nappies (and its difficult to determine by how long or how much), it is worth rescuing them from sure death and getting whatever use I can.
So... Remember:
- Try to avoid mould. Mould loves moisture, lack of sunlight and warmth (humidity).
- The quicker you get onto the mould the better. In my case the mould was quite set in and had covered a lot of the fabric requiring longer soaking and less affect from the milder treatments.
- Try using the sun to bleach them if the stain is mild. I do think tougher staining will require a very strong attack to get them working again. You may get some results on very mild surface staining.
- If you resort to bleach:
- You are voiding your warranty (this is the last resort and only as a way to continue further use of your otherwise destroyed nappies).
- Only bleach for as long as you need to lift the stain (from a few minutes this could be working)
- Use diluted bleach - water it down A LOT so it has the least affect on your fabric while still attacking your mould stains.
- Ensure you wash well and rinse after treatment - get all that bleach out!
- I recommend if you had mould on covers (with waterproofing and elastics) to spot treat very carefully as soaking the PUL & elastics should be avoided if possible.
Monday, 20 January 2014
Comparing our modern cloth nappy styles
We have two nappy styles at Baby Bare. Our all in one & our all in two. Below we have written a guide to help you select the nappy that is best for you.
If you'd like to try one of each, we recommend out trial pack which comes with both styles for you to try.
At present, the all in one is only available with a minky outer. The Silky Bare Nappy is identical to the All in two Bare Cub, just with a PUL outer.
All in Two Best suits:
All in one best suits
All in One | All in Two | |
Requires Assembly | No | Yes |
Absorbency | Microfibre & Bamboo | Bamboo Only |
Number of pieces | 1 | 3 (Cover, Snap in & booster) |
Pocket for extra Boosters | No (secure boosters under the flap) | Yes |
Drying | Fold out flap | Disassemble all pieces and dry separately |
Fit | OSFM | OSFM |
Sizing | approx 3.5kg - 16kg | approx 3.5kg - 16kg |
Stay dry lining (microsuede) | Yes | Yes |
If you'd like to try one of each, we recommend out trial pack which comes with both styles for you to try.
At present, the all in one is only available with a minky outer. The Silky Bare Nappy is identical to the All in two Bare Cub, just with a PUL outer.
All in Two Best suits:
- Parents who like to change the inserts and reuse covers/shells.
- Parents who do not mind assembling nappies
- Parents who like pockets, these nappies can double as a pocket nappy, or have extra boosting in the pocket.
- Parents who prefer all bamboo absorbency.
All in one best suits
- Parents who change the entire nappy with each change (as opposed to reusing shells and clean boosters)
- Daycare, grandparents and others looking for a super easy to use nappy.
- Busy parents who don't have time to assemble their nappies (simply wash, dry and use).
- Parents who like a mixture of bamboo and microfibre in their nappies.
Introducing our all in one cloth nappy
Do you love cloth nappies but are not a fan of assembling all the pieces?
Are you after a fast drying all in one nappy?
Do you love the original Baby Bare Cub nappy and are looking for something just as great?
Well we are so happy to introduce our new All in One Nappy. Another exclusive Baby Bare design, it is a transformation of our original nappy design - but even easier and more absorbent.
This new nappy:
Who will this nappy suit:
Are you after a fast drying all in one nappy?
Do you love the original Baby Bare Cub nappy and are looking for something just as great?
Well we are so happy to introduce our new All in One Nappy. Another exclusive Baby Bare design, it is a transformation of our original nappy design - but even easier and more absorbent.
This new nappy:
- Is all one piece. There is a pad of thirsty microfibre sewn in, and the previous snap in booster is sewn into the nappy for ease of use.
- Is fast drying. The microfibre in the shell is a fast drying fabric. The sewn in insert can be flipped away from the shell for easy drying.
- Is super absorbent. An extra large pad of microfibre teamed with three layers of bamboo makes for a brilliant day time nappy.
- Is OSFM design for babies from soon after birth till toilet training.
- Has 10 waist snap adjustments for even greater fit and larger sizing.
- Is wonderfully trim and built on the same trim cut of our other nappies.
- Has a small section of fabric to hold your 'flap' in place and any other boosters you need to secure into the nappy.
- Requires no assembly.
- Is soft, gorgeous and comes in all the new colours and patterns available in our New Bare Cub Design.
Who will this nappy suit:
- Parents who change the entire nappy with each change (as opposed to reusing shells and clean boosters)
- Daycare, grandparents and others looking for a super easy to use nappy.
- Busy parents who don't have time to assemble their nappies (simply wash, dry and use).
- A new baby from about 3.5kg - child of approximately 16kg.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Modern Cloth Nappy Terms - What Do they mean?
Do you feel like learning about modern cloth nappies, is like learning a new language?
So many terms, brand names, fabrics, styles, washing lingo, fabrics - the list keeps going.
Imagine the scene - someone is telling you all about their AIO, OSFM, snap down, that wicks, but uses the best bamboo fabric with suede cloth lining. They only wash it with eco detergent. They use an MCN safe nappy cream to stop the fabric from repelling water. At night they use a prefold booster.
So here is a list of terms to get you started in the cloth nappy language.
AIO (all in one) - A nappy that is just one piece. That is, all the absorbency is built into the nappy and it should have a waterproof outer (does not require a cover)
AI2 (all in two) - A nappy that has a shell with no built in absorbency and boosters/inserts that are put into the nappy as separate pieces.
Pocket Nappy - A cloth nappy with access to a section (usually the lining) so you can put the absorbency into the pocket area and it holds it in place.
Fitted - A cloth nappy that is usually made of fully absorbent materials and requires a cover.
OSFM - One Size Fits Most, a nappy that should go from birth (or soon after) to toilet training.
MCN - Modern Cloth Nappy (the kind that is generally shaped like a disposable when put on the baby as opposed to the old fashioned squares that you fold up).
Prefold - A square/rectangle of fabric with a thicker section down the middle. These are quite like the older style nappies as you fold them up and secure them with a pin or Snappi, or a cover that can hold it in place.
Booster - An extra piece of fabric that helps the nappy to hold more liquid. Usually used in addition to the main insert.
Trifold - A square or rectangle that is usually folded into three, and placed in the nappy. Designed to unfold so it can dry easily.
Snaps - They are like plastic press studs.
Minky - A fluffy fabric much like you find on stuffed animals (with the shorter pile).
PUL - Sometimes known as TPU, a polyester, waterproof and breathable fabric used to waterproof nappies.
So many terms, brand names, fabrics, styles, washing lingo, fabrics - the list keeps going.
Imagine the scene - someone is telling you all about their AIO, OSFM, snap down, that wicks, but uses the best bamboo fabric with suede cloth lining. They only wash it with eco detergent. They use an MCN safe nappy cream to stop the fabric from repelling water. At night they use a prefold booster.
So here is a list of terms to get you started in the cloth nappy language.
AIO (all in one) - A nappy that is just one piece. That is, all the absorbency is built into the nappy and it should have a waterproof outer (does not require a cover)
AI2 (all in two) - A nappy that has a shell with no built in absorbency and boosters/inserts that are put into the nappy as separate pieces.
Pocket Nappy - A cloth nappy with access to a section (usually the lining) so you can put the absorbency into the pocket area and it holds it in place.
Fitted - A cloth nappy that is usually made of fully absorbent materials and requires a cover.
OSFM - One Size Fits Most, a nappy that should go from birth (or soon after) to toilet training.
MCN - Modern Cloth Nappy (the kind that is generally shaped like a disposable when put on the baby as opposed to the old fashioned squares that you fold up).
Prefold - A square/rectangle of fabric with a thicker section down the middle. These are quite like the older style nappies as you fold them up and secure them with a pin or Snappi, or a cover that can hold it in place.
Booster - An extra piece of fabric that helps the nappy to hold more liquid. Usually used in addition to the main insert.
Trifold - A square or rectangle that is usually folded into three, and placed in the nappy. Designed to unfold so it can dry easily.
Snaps - They are like plastic press studs.
Minky - A fluffy fabric much like you find on stuffed animals (with the shorter pile).
PUL - Sometimes known as TPU, a polyester, waterproof and breathable fabric used to waterproof nappies.
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Cloth Nappy Experiments - A good warning
So you've bought a stash of beautiful cloth nappies and you are planning for the next six babies that will us them. You've bought wonderful eco detergents, you don't soak them, you've rid the house of Sudocream and banned anyone else from washing them. You are on a mission to protect them. But you've forgotten one thing…
In my experience, the biggest enemy of the cloth nappy is 'Wee'. 'Wee' is attracted to your nappies like nothing else. He instantly invades as soon as a clean nappy is applied. He wakes your child in the night, causes horrible rashes on their soft bottoms and worst of all, he is eating your cloth nappies.
This horrible enemy is very hard to deter, for he is the main reason you are using nappies in the first place. Though I have heard of mothers using disposables under their gorgeous cloth nappies to protect them from this ghastly creature, I have another solution.
Rinse & Wash Regularly. Do not leave your nappies soaking with 'Wee'. He likes nothing more than this opportunity for a great feast. He will mainly take great joy in eating into your elastics–- the most delicate part of your cloth nappies.
We recently had a bad experience with 'Wee'. After a trip to the grandparents, one of our beautiful nappies was left behind. Secured in a plastic bag to hold back the terrible odour of this foul perpetrator, the nappy was forgotten. Two weeks later the nappy was returned home. The smell was ghastly, and I did everything I could to save our poor little nappy.
I have taken some pictures of the nappy. Little Blue was seriously injured in this incident and I warn you, these pictures may be disturbing to some.
Below is Little Blue, with his sister Pinky. She has been well cared for and is the same age, having joined us at the same time. Both nappies are just about 18 months old; they joined our family in August 2012 (these are our Classic Bare Cubs).
You can see in this picture that the elastic along the back is still ok. This is because this part of the nappy was not fully soaked with 'Wee' and this has helped preserve the elastics in this area. Many will notice that the elastics on the legs goes long before the back. This is because of the damage wee can do over time to nappies.
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Nappy on the top has dead elastics. Compare with nappy of the same age underneath. |
Below the inside of the nappy. You can see the elastic is totally gone on the lower side. This is a perfect example of 'dead elastics'. Whether this occurs from age, bleaches, overexposure to sunlight or 'Wee', the outcome always looks the same.
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The bottom side of this nappy has no stretch left in the elastic. |
Little Blue shows some scars from his ordeal. The wee has actually scolded and discoloured the PUL and the elastics.
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The elastic has been discoloured by the urine damage. |
Now, this may be worrying to some of you. I know you worry about 'Wee'. After all, it is unavoidable that he will make his way into your nappies. What this article is meant to explain is the importance of regular washing of your nappies. Wash regularly, not more than about 48 hours between washes. If you suspect your child has particularly strong wee (or you want to be extra careful) you should rinse the nappies with some water before putting them in a dry pail (it is not recommended to put them in a wet pail). The 'Wee' here was very strong and this is quite an exaggerated outcome. But it demonstrates the potential damage wee can do as it is an acidic fluid.
So wash regularly and take care of your little cubs!
Our website has plenty more information on washing your cloth nappies.
Our website has plenty more information on washing your cloth nappies.
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